Health & Safety

Hexagon actively pursues and promotes a positive health and safety culture to achieve our overall goal of zero injuries.

Safety first

We maintain ambitious health and safety standards to prevent hazards and incidents for all our employees and for other parties working on behalf of Hexagon Agility. Keeping our employees safe during our operations is vital, and we work actively with our employees and suppliers to mitigate any potential negative impact on safety, health, and well-being.

Our focus areas


We have an active approach towards health and safety training and awareness, focusing on operational requirements, hazard recognition and safety behavior. The training is done both virtually and as on-hands training.

Health & well-being

Our employees’ health and well-being is the highest priority for us. In addition to our high safety standards and training during operations, we also offer access to physical and mental health services, in addition to several culture building activities that promote well-being.

Continuous improvement

Employees at all levels are responsible for identifying and reporting potential hazards in order to eliminate, isolate or replace the risk. Employees are trained to recognize and report potential hazards. Incidents and potential incidents are monitored and reviewed on a daily basis to learn, improve and reduce the risk of future incidents.